About Us


PT SMEI is a renewed leader in the field of employee training services, dedicated to empowering organizations through comprehensive and impactful training programs. With a strong commitment to excellence, PT SMEI has been at the forefront of the industry, equipping countless companies with the knowledge and skills required to thrive in today’s dynamic business landscape.

At PT SMEI, we believe that investing in employee development is the key to unlocking individual potential and driving organizational success. We are passionate about helping companies achieve their goals by providing tailored training solutions that address specific needs and challenges.

Everyday at the PT SMEI is like a blessing with the active students and talented staff members around.

Thomas Agung— Direktur

Mission Statement

Connect needs to create the future

Propose new value by identifying and connecting the diverse needs of society Co-create an abundant future by providing various training  and business solutions

Vision Statement

Be a creator of sustainable world

Equipping and mentoring human resources to have integrity, high quality, and be ready to compete in their careers and creations.

Our Values

Challenge Change Create

Through collaboration, we will take on challenges, enact change and accelerate creation.

Classroom Activities

Group Discussions
Role Play Challenges
Self Assessment
Peer to Peer Sharing
Data Analysis
Interactive Quiz
Case Study Analysis

Proposed Trainers